Brant's Rant | Pricing | Uncategorized

Continued: Raising Micro-Capital with Social Proof of Geekiness

Diaspora is now a certifiable Black Swan.
As of this post, they have raised $176,165 from 4,860 backers and still have 15 days to go.  I maintain that aside from tapping into the current anti-Facebook zeitgeist among the tech elite, their success is partially fueled by a pricing/bundling strategy that cleverly (or accidentally) includes t-shirts that signal hard-to-fake social proof of geekiness at a good price.
I have updated my two quick-and-dirty graphs on how pricing/bundling these sorts of social signals/proof (read: t-shirts, in this case) may help with raising micro-capital below.

Data table below:

Number of Backers: 1,012 805 1,986 316 195 60 5 4
Pledge Amount: $5 $10 $25 $50 $100 $350 $1,000 $2,000
Sub-Total: $5,060 $8,050 $49,650 $15,800 $19,500 $21,000 $5,000 $8,000
Percentage of Total: 4% 6% 38% 12% 15% 16% 4% 6%
*Grand Total: $132,060
*Number of Backers: 4,383
*Will not match totals on as pledge amounts are “$X or more”



pledged of $10,000 goal

days to g

1 Comment

  1. Josh

    This is hilarious because the T-shirt actually bumped my contribution up to $25… not joking!



  1. Diaspora’s Success on KickStarter due to T-Shirts | Vlaskovits - [...] my previous thoughts on Diaspora can be found here and here as guest posts at Brant Cooper's [...]

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